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Offentlig Säkerhet) in Södertälje, Stockholm County. Earlier, Stefan was working at  Information related to the Covid-19 outbreak: We have a business continuity plan in place and the service we provide our customers will not be compromised. AddSecure completes acquisition of ISG and adds Smart Surveillance to its portfolio . Information related to the Covid-19 outbreak .

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AddSecure är majoritetsägt av fonder som förvaltas av Castik Capital, en europeisk private equity-fond med en långsiktig strategi för värdeskapande, grundad 2014. Arbetsuppgifter I rollen som teknisk support tillhör du ett team på fem personer som främst inriktar sig mot personsäkerhetslösningar.

3,523 likes · 5 talking about this · 73 were here. AddSecure Smart Transport solutions enables data-driven improvements in … Kontakt och support - AddSecure SE. AddSecure offers a variety of support packages from support during office hours through to 24/7 support. For information regarding technical support and training, please contact your AddSecure account manager or click here to contacts us. Contact and support - AddSecure.
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